Travel insurance

Whether it's a resort holiday on the Mediterranean, study trip to Asia or a snowboard trip to the Alps - the holiday opportunities are as never before. But the most beautiful days of the year also hold risks.
Although nobody thinks of accident, illness, loss of luggage or dispute with the tour operator, nobody likes to think, but on holiday is that you are only well protected with the right insurance in an emergency. Travel cancellation insurance, luggage insurance, international travel health protection, Mallorca-Police and car cover register ensure that the most beautiful days of the year do not become the most expensive.
-Travel cancellation insurance A serious traffic accident, a fire in the apartment, your child has to go to the hospital with appendicitis - many reasons can cause you to not be able to embrace the long-planned holiday or have to leave early. Here, travel cancellation insurance protects: it refunds the cancellation fees that your tour operator charges if you have to cancel an already booked trip. In addition, you can also financially secure in the event that you have to leave your holiday early and cannot take advantage of already paid services: for example, if a nearby relative is seriously ill or even died. Even if unforeseeable complications occur during pregnancy, if intolerance after a vaccination, or if you cannot leave your home alone due to burglary, fire, severe storm damage or other natural rare incidents.
-Travel luggage insurance Sometimes it happens on the day of arrival: your suitcase is stolen. The tour operator is liable - if at all - only up to a limited amount. It can protect baggage insurance. It can be completed as a weekly, monthly or annual policy. Luggage insurance protects you worldwide from financial damage caused by loss, destruction or damage to your property. Current value or repair costs are replaced Luggage insurance protects all things in the personal travel needs and the items worn on the body or in clothing, checked luggage or hand luggage, travel thinking and gifts, as well as sports equipment carried including accessories and protective clothing. The fair value of the items carried along is usually insured - i.e. the real value minus an appropriate deduction for wear and tear, age and use. In the case of damaged items, the insurer shall assume repair costs up to the amount of the time value.
-Travel health insurance When travelling beyond the German borders, you are well protected with a private travel health insurance company. The statutory cashes will only reimburse any treatment costs incurred if you are travelling in a country that belongs to the EU or has concluded a social security agreement with Germany. And even then, the cost of medical expenses will only be reimbursed up to the usual level of Germany. Beyond European borders, you are usually a private patient, they then have to pay very high doctor or clinic costs yourself. They can easily exceed an annual income, for example in the USA. A return transport to home is not done by the statutory health insurers. Ambulance transport home is also insured The travel insurance abroad provides medical treatment for acute illnesses and accidents, replacing the costs of inpatient treatment, pain-killing dental treatment and for medicines, dressing and remedies. In addition, the medically necessary return transport to Germany is insured, as well as the transfer costs in case of death of an insured person or the funeral costs incurred abroad. You can take out the foreign travel health insurance as a temporary policy for a certain number of travel days or as yearly insurance for any number of trips within one year.
-Car rental insurance Travelling with the rental car If you want to explore your holiday destination on your own, you will gladly grab a rental car. Especially in southern Europe, less secure insured than in Germany are often lower insurance for rented vehicles. In the event of an accident, this can be expensive: If you, as the driver of a rental car, cause an accident and go beyond this minimum sum, you have to pay the difference out of your own pocket. Conveniently protected with the "Mallorca-Police" On the safe side, if you have already completed a rental liability insurance at home - in the vernacular also "Mallorca-Police". You can get it for a few euros from local car insurers. In the basic version, it applies to other European countries and can be concluded for a few weeks or for several months. Depending on the insurer, the Mallorca Police is already included in your existing motor insurance - simply ask or check in the contract. Anyone who needs supplementary insurance worldwide can choose a so-called traveller contract. Tip: notify the police immediately in the event of an accident and inform the vehicle rental company. And those who do not attract injuries are attested by the doctor run the risk that they will not be recognised by the liability of the causer of the accident.
On the road in the car Maximum coverage Even if you are travelling abroad by your own car, you need the right insurance cover. The following applies to the vehicle liability insurance: best register the maximum possible cover. The conclusion of a Kasko-Police is recommended as a supplement. The partial comprehensive insurance replaces damage with theft, fire, storms, wild collision and glass breakage. In addition, fully comprehensive insurance also pays for their own accidental damage. In addition, full comprehensive insurance pays if you have been damaged in a car accident abroad and the damage caused is not properly regulated by the polluter. In principle, you should have the green insurance card as proof of insurance and a "European accident report" for each crossing abroad, which provides filling aids in a total of ten languages. Inexpensive and helpful: the car cover letter Also useful and inexpensive is a car protection letter. In the event of an accident or breakdown, it replaces within certain limits the costs of recovery, towing and setting the vehicle, for shipping spare parts, for return transport in the driver's illness, for necessary nights' accommodation and, if applicable, a rental car. You can obtain autoschutz letters from all German motor vehicle insurers and at the automobile clubs.