Consumer credit, car loan, loans for builders
Each loan is a loan that you repay in instalments. Before the bank agrees to your loan application, it will check your financial credit rating. For larger loans, the bank demands collateral. Smaller instalment loans are granted without any assurance, instead, a salary assignment is often required.
With the car loan, the vehicle remains the property of the bank until you have fully removed the loan. The lender of a mortgage loan reserves the lien at your home or apartment until you repay loans and interest in full.
The effective interest rate counts when comparing loans
In addition to the nominal interest rate, there are often other costs such as processing fees or expenses for loans. Each loan provider must therefore provide an effective interest rate that includes all additional costs. Compare the loan offers based on this effective interest rate.
Avoid residual debt insurance as much as possible
If you take out residual debt insurance, the repayment of your loan is secured if you become insolvent during the term. However, residual debt insurance makes the loan strongly more expensive.