Construction insurance
With construction services insurance, you can protect your shell:
With construction services insurance, you can provide your shell financially against damage caused by storm, hail, frost, flooding, willful damage, glass breakage, unknown properties of the ground, negligent action of construction workers and theft of permanently installed material such as radiators, washbasins or gas bore. In the event of a claim, the insurer will bear the costs required for wages and materials to repair damage and restore the construction condition.
Save contribution through an excess:
Your new building is fully protected by construction services insurance until it is based on production. In order to keep the contribution favourable, a deductible in the event of a claim is usually agreed in the construction service insurance. Self-structural damage is not insured by normal weather conditions and theft of material stored on the construction site.
Tip: Take off a fire safety insurance together with the construction services insurance, then damage is also hedged by fire, explosions and lightning on your shell.