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Car insurance

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If you buy a car, you must insure it. The vehicle liability insurance is required by law - without proof of liability protection, nothing is possible if the admission is approved. The liability always occurs if you culpably damage another road user. Partial or full cash can be completed voluntarily. Comprehensive insurance also pays for damage to their own vehicle.

Many factors determine the contribution
The amount of contributions to car insurance depends on many factors - the period you have already travelled without accidents, vehicle type and regional class, on the desired deductible and on whether you as a garage owner, few user or civil servant can take special premium discounts.

As a novice driving, you pay less if you first register your car as a second car of the parents and have the contract later rewrite it. Convertible drivers save by using a seasonal mark.

-Automotive liability insurance Whether car, truck or motorcycle - without liability insurance, no motorized vehicle is allowed on the road. The liability protection protection protection is indispensable so that the victim can be adequately compensated in the event of an accident. The vehicle liability pays for all damages you inflict on the use of your vehicle. This can also be a lifelong pension. Of course, the costs for towing and repair or the replacement costs for the vehicle of the blameless accident party are also insured. If the criminal person needs a rental car during the repair time, this is also paid for within certain limits by the polluter's liability for the car liability. High cover amounts in case of damage In principle, liability insurance shall examine whether the claims of the accident victim are justified - unjustified or excessive claims shall be rejected by legal entities. As a minimum insurance sum, the legislator provides for 7.5 million euros per person in the liability for automotive liability. Property damage must be insured up to 1.12 million euros, financial losses up to 50,000 euros. However, the contractual coverage of the insurers is significantly higher in practice.

-Partial and full scaling The partial insurance The partial insurance reimburses damage to your own vehicle by theft, fire, storms, wildlife collision or glass breakage. In addition, the standard accessories of your car is insured, for example, in the event of theft or destruction. You can see what is part of the accessory in individual cases in the insurance conditions. Some insurers are also replacing the increasingly frequent damage caused by marten bite. Tip: By taking out partial comprehensive insurance with excess in the event of a claim, you can reduce your premium. The full amount also pays for itself caused damage The full comprehensive insurance includes all damage to your vehicle, including those that occur due to a self-inflicted accident. Your comprehensive body also regulates vandalism, such as scratched paint or dented doors. If you take advantage of your car full body - not for partial lump sum damage - your insurance contract will be downgraded, in the following year the premium will increase. As in the partial amount, excess deductibles are also common in full comprehensive insurance. Due to the comparatively high premium, fully comprehensive insurance is particularly worthwhile for new vehicles.

-The cost Type classes in liability, partial and full cash The contributions to vehicle insurance are initially calculated according to the vehicle type. Each vehicle is assigned to a certain type class in liability and two other type classes for partial and full comprehensive. These type classes reflect the damage course of the various vehicles in recent years. The lower the type class of your vehicle, the cheaper the premium. The place of residence also has an influence on the premium. The premium level of motor insurance also depends on the place of residence - the different regional classes are based on the course of the claims in the individual German approval districts. The regional statistics for comprehensive insurance also take into account local special features such as floods, hail or theft frequency. The grading in cheaper or more expensive regional classes can be found at every 1st. October held. However, about two thirds of all contracts remain unaffected every year.

-Damage discount Beginners at the tax pay higher contributions in their duties and fully comprehensive insurance than “old hands”, who have been traveling without accidents for many years. If you do not take your insurance for a long time, the premium will decrease significantly. Accident-free drivers pay only 20 percent in the best case-by-time. Pay small damages yourself? Non-lifecut classes and reclassification rules can vary among different insurers. By the way, downgrades are avoided if you pay small damage from your own pocket - because it is not the amount of damage, but only the number of damages caused decides on the discount. Your insurer will provide information on whether it is worthwhile for you to take over a minor damage yourself. Some insurers offer so-called discount rescue workers - so the first accident does not mean a downgrade to a more expensive discount level.

-How to save posts Less premium for second cars Because novice less likely than experienced vehicle drivers cause accidents, car liability insurers require contribution rates of up to 300 percent. However, some tricks can save a lot of money. First option: let the vehicle registered by the parents as a second car. To start with a significantly lower article set. The premium discount purchased with the second vehicle during the time can be rewritten later on you. Many companies also grant cheaper entry-level tariffs if a family member has already insured a vehicle with the company. Another option: many insurers make cheap offers for car newbies who had already insured a moped or a small motorcycle there. Using seasonal marks Summertime is Cabrio period. If you want to go open and save money, you can use a seasonal label. You will then only pay the car insurance for the period in which your vehicle is also registered. If your car rolls for more than six months per year, even the risk-free discount of the policy continues to grow. The vehicle tax is also omitted during the rest months. If the vehicle is notified completely in autumn, the achieved non-damage discount will usually be preserved if it is re-registered within eighteen months - as long as there is no contribution insurance for most insurers.

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