Capital life insurance

Capital life insurance pays an agreed sum not only in the event of death, but also in the event of experience. It is therefore a combination of provision for the death and savings contract.
After contract expiry, life insurance pays out the contributions, the guarantee interest (at least 0.25%) and the excess participation. Depending on the success of life insurance, total interest rates are between 0.25 and 6 percent. In the event of death, an agreed sum will be paid out to the survivors.
-Basic information Capital life insurance The state coffers are empty, the issue of self-sappeal is on everyone's lips. The benefits of a private pension only flow when the retirement age is reached. But how is a family secured if - what is not to be wanted to anyone, but still has to be considered - the breader dies before reaching the pension? If you also want to be prepared for this case, a life insurance company is absolutely part of your policy folder. Capital life insurance offers worldwide protection around the clock - in leisure time, professional life, training, study or travel. Risk protection and returns simultaneously Life insurance is particularly indispensable for young families, whose assets are not yet sufficient to protect themselves from financial need in the event of the main death of the main earner. In this case, the life insurer immediately pays a high sum insured. After the end of the contract, there is also money - the contractual expiry payment including guarantee interest and additional surplus participation. With capital life insurance, you can therefore achieve two precautionary goals - risk protection for your family and a good return for your savings.
-For whom suitable? When it comes to the right life insurance, the life situation is of great importance. Young people usually still have very low entitlements to legal pensions. In addition to occupational disability insurance, which can be taken out at a young age at particularly favourable contributions, it is recommended to take out capital life insurance - especially if you can use your employer's capital-generating benefits or convert salary components into direct insurance as part of company pension schemes. Indispensable for young families Capital life insurance is almost indispensable for young families, whose assets are not yet sufficient to protect themselves from financial distress if the main earner dies are financially obliged. In this case, life insurance pays a high sum insured than ever. After the end of the term of a capital life insurance company, there is another money - the contractual expiry payment including guarantee return and surplus participations. Self-employed people are particularly demanded As a rule, self-employed persons have only minor or no claims from the statutory pension insurance, they are therefore often completely dependent on sole pensions. If you, as a self-employed person in old age, do not want to give up the usual standard of living, it is recommended that you take out a capital life insurance in addition to private pension and occupational disability protection. And anyone who runs a company together with the partner can use a policy to provide for the partner in the event that the partner dies.
-The cost The amount of contributions to capital life insurance depends on the age and health status of the applicant, the term of the contract and the agreed insure sum. Optimize current contracts Experts advise against the early termination of a life insurance policy. However, it is amicable to optimise existing contracts. First, the payment method should be switched to the annual transfer of the premium - that can amount to up to five percent of the annual fee. Further costs save on who does without the automatic dynamisation of his contract. Under no circumstances should you terminate a risk life insurance, because this protects your family from financial distress in the event of death.
-Fund-linked offers If you want to participate in the return opportunities of the stock markets, you should consider concluding fund-linked capital life insurance. Here, the insurers create the share of contributions that is used for the insured sum to be paid in one or more equity funds. The life insurer writes the value of the fund shares good to your contract at expiry. Higher opportunities, higher risk Fund-linked life insurance offers higher return opportunities, but also the loss risks typical of equity products. It is therefore difficult to estimate which capital is actually available after the end of the contract period. Fund-linked capital life insurances are therefore particularly recommended as a supplement to an existing retirement provision.
-Health exam By signing the insurance application, you usually grant the life insurer the right to check the state of health indicated by you at the general practitioner or other medical doctors treating. If you bring with you numerous or serious pre-existing conditions, the insurer may require a risk advance to the contribution or even rejects the application altogether. The reason: the higher death risk of people with particularly serious pre-existing conditions should not be shifted to the community of all those insured at the company. Health information is checked and evaluated Applicants, insurers and, if applicable, the life insurance intermediary will receive a copy of the insurance application. The information on the state of health is evaluated by a medical company from the insurance company. If there are no abnormalities, the insurance certificate will be issued and sent to the applicant. With the delivery of the policy, life insurance cover is then legally achieved.
-Life or pension insurance? Capital life insurance or private pension contract - two possibilities for financial pensions. But what is the right one? The answer as is so common: it depends on the individual case. Different benefits In the event of an early death, the life insurer pays the full sum insured immediately upon receipt of the first contribution. In the first years after the conclusion of the contract, there is usually only the contributions back from the private pension insurance. Only if a pension guarantee period has been agreed will the pension be paid to the surviving dependants even after the death of the insured person. Private pension: Alternative for single persons Anyone who wants to hedge their young family against the risk of death of a parent is better advised with a life insurance policy. However, the return on the paid-in capital is currently around two and a half percent for life insurance, and the interest on private pension insurance companies is slightly higher. Anyone who does not have to care for relatives should in any case also conclude a private supplementary pension.
-Find the right product If you have decided to take out capital life insurance, you are faced with a large number of suppliers with a large number of products and tariffs. You should not quickly make the decision for a particular product. Important: Expert advice However, the online conclusion of a life insurance without expert advice is not recommended - the topic is complex, many details must be observed. Let us advise you to analyse your personal risk situation and compare the abundance of tariffs offered.